Let’s Play Lifeology!

Keep the conversation flowing at every holiday gathering with Lifeology. This game was designed to get people talking, sharing answers and learning more about one another.

Download the game

All you need to play is a printed version of the game (or you could get creative and play off your device if a printer isn’t available).

Cut out the questions.

Draw a question, read it out loud, then everyone answers the same question.

Some questions have a natural follow-up question written below it.

Or you can always use my favorite phrase “Tell me more about that…” to get people to share their feelings.

I’d love to know what you learn from each other - tag me on social @empathy_activist - on IG, LI, TikTok, FB and Bluesky.

Or email me - rob@robvolpe.expert

Have a wonderful holiday!



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