Your guide to build empathy in all parts of your life
Join me as I teach and coach people how to develop empathy to empower the skills we use every day to succeed as the people we are. Or hope to become.
Empowering Teams and Organizations
to Better Connect, Collaborate and Succeed
A selection of the groups I’ve worked with so far
About Rob
Rob Volpe is the Empathy Activist who coaches people and organizations how to use empathy and be more empathetic to achieve positive results. Author of the award-winning Tell Me More About That: Solving the Empathy Crisis One Conversation at a Time, Rob is a keynote speaker, trainer and thought-leader on the topic of empathy, human insights and behavior.
Based in San Francisco, he is the Founder and Chairman of insights, strategy and training firm, Ignite 360. When he’s not helping people with their empathy skills, he can be found on his Peloton (row and bike), practicing yoga, cooking or enjoying being still in his home with his husband, Charles, and their 3 cats.